About me

My name is Taein Kim, and I write a lot of software. I currently live in Seoul, South Korea.
I'm interested in functional programming, static types, and programming language research, particularly interested in the development of security solutions and encryption programs. and I try to spend as much time as I can writing Haskell and Rust. I write about of the things I do on this blog. I hope to participate in an open-source project. and you can email me at initprism@gmail.com

Things I’ve worked on

2020 ~ 2022 Worked at MONITORAPP
· Developed Malicious Url Detection Solution
· Universal Unpacking Method and Computing Device Using Memory Page Guard Attribute
· Developed PE file unpacking system and method for static analysis of malicious code
· Developed Generic PE Unpacker
2023 ~ Working at BLACKVERSE, a startup where I am engaged as a Backend Developer.

Certification & License

· Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
· Engineer Information Security
· First Class Amateur Radio Operator

Outside of academic pursuits

My interests include Ham radio, Radio communication Technique(especially LoRa, Meshtastic), swimming, and marathon

About this blog

This blog is powered by zola, static site generator written in Rust.
This site is, naturally, open source, so if you’d like to see how all the pieces fit together for yourself, feel free to clone the Source code.